
People & Partners Insurance Plc joined the Entrepreneurs Meet and Show at Amatak Boutique, SR

08-Sep-2022 631

On 2nd September, 2022, Young Entrepreneurs Association of Cambodia (YEAC), Siem Reap Branch organized the Entrepreneurs Meet and Show on the topics “1. Why Vehicle Insurance is Important? And 2. National Enterprise Competitiveness Program (ICONE Program)”. There were 30 members at this event.

Main Speakers:

1.   Mr. Khuon Sorith, Business Development Manager of People & Partners Insurance Plc.

2.   Mr. Ngy Sophorn, GIZ Private Sector Advisor

The 1st topic was presented by Mr. Sorith as below:

a.   Development of Insurance Sector in Cambodia

b.   Overview of the Insurance Sector

c.    Vehicle Insurance Benefits and

d.   Scope of Vehicle Insurance.

The 2nd topic was presented by Mr. Ngy Sophorn and he advised that the ICONE program is designed to improve the competitiveness of the Cambodian economy in a market that is increasingly complex and fast changing.

The event ended very successfully with good atmosphere and lively questions from YEAC members and business owners. A Great Event!

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